Gadget Gal Strikes Again!

Posted by Brandie on March 10, 2011 in Technology |

I am a gadget gal. I freely admit this and don’t wish to “recover”. That said, I took the plung today and picked up a new Windows Phone.

This was by no means a rash purchase, in fact, I tried to buy one several months ago but the guy at the T-Mobile store kept telling me I didn’t want it. 🙁

Just to make a point, I went back to the same store and have to give a shout out to the young lady who helped me, okay so now is the point where I admit I suck. I believe her name is Colleen, she gave me a card, and I pulled it out so I could add her name here…and I can’t find the card anymore. Sigh…

So back to my toy. Many know I am also a Microsoft groupie which is why I bought the Windows phone, it syncs to my Zune software and I can use those playlists and for me it is totally cool.

The first screen you see…

The screen after setup.

I want to give credit to the article that got me out and into the T-Mobile store today for my upgrade “In about 6 months, Microsoft’s apps marketplace will top RIM’s” .

So don’t call me tonight, actually, that would be okay so I can test talking and playing at the same time. 😉

For now, I will be testing and rocking out with my new phone for a bit, while waiting for the Windows 7 Slate I am looking to order later (but let’s not tell Dave about that for now)…doh!

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