Have you seen these?
I live under a rock. Really.
Those Geico people are my neighbors and if it doesn’t have something to do with technology or infosec or recently cooking then I haven’t heard.
CNN needs a service where they text you stuff going on, new slang words, the latest designers with links to their logos so if you see them you would know you are supposed to be impressed. I am really, THAT BAD.
Anyway, when I was in Texas Marsh’s daughter wanted to go to the store to buy a box of cake to make these things called Cake Pops.
Ok, as a texture purist, or fanatic, take your pick, the thought of someone mushing my cake around into a ball.
Sooooo very wrong.
Marsh even produced a book, showing all the different ways people have desecrated the cake, one of bakings’ sacred creations.
Fast forward, to today, I grabbed my pizza at lunch deciding a nice vanilla milkshake would be just the thing to wash down the jalapenos then realized the closest thing to a vanilla shake would be a vanilla bean creme at the Starbucks next to the pizza place. Imagine my shock when I see these crazy cake pops at Starbucks.
Ok, I give up. If cake pops are at Starbucks then they must be on the verge of world domination and I am gonna have to try one of the things.
Master Chief action shot.
So after grabbing it and reluctantly taking a bite, can I just say…
I was right the first time. It was mushy in the middle and hard on the outside. What were “those people” thinking?
This is definitely one trend, I am going to let pass me by.
Now I have to find some ice cream to erase this trauma from my mouth. 😉