Geeks and Cooking

Posted by Brandie on September 23, 2011 in Technology |

It is kind of funny to see how geeks approach cooking. I tend to follow the recipe, just like an install, step 1, then 2 etc. If you do the steps out of order, it might work, but why take the chance. I grabbed yet another cookbook the other day, Cooking for Geeks which is a […]

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Entertainment & Netflix

Posted by Brandie on May 17, 2011 in General Drivel, Technology |

My hairdresser is famous. Ok, well, maybe famous is pushing it. He has done work in Hollywood for many years, including on my favorite TV series as the principle hair stylist. I only tell you this to set the stage (haha get it). 😉 He was working on my hair Sunday, yes he works Sundays […]


Wanted: Someone to Erase Internet History

Posted by Brandie on May 3, 2011 in Technology |

If only it were that easy… As a security person, it took me a LONG time to get on Facebook. Don’t have a MySpace, minimal LinkedIn, etc. Why, because it is the Internet and the less people know about me, the better. (Kind of funny I decided to blog, but more on that later) I […]


Gadget Gal Round 2

Posted by Brandie on April 4, 2011 in Technology |

Today I got another toy. Yes, I know it is completely pathetic but there are several things I just cannot do on my iPad.   So I broke down and bought a windows tablet.  You don’t have to remind me how bad my addiction is, that is what Dave is for, but in my defense […]


World Backup Day

Posted by Brandie on March 31, 2011 in Technology |

This has geek humor all over it. It is apparently World Backup Day (April Fool’s Eve), we really are dorks…  Anyway, it is an important point. Backing up you computer is one of those things everyone knows they should do, and say they do, until it crashes and they sheepishly admit they may have missed one […]


Gadget Gal Strikes Again!

Posted by Brandie on March 10, 2011 in Technology |

I am a gadget gal. I freely admit this and don’t wish to “recover”. That said, I took the plung today and picked up a new Windows Phone. This was by no means a rash purchase, in fact, I tried to buy one several months ago but the guy at the T-Mobile store kept telling […]

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